Breed with responsibility

In the Netherlands and Belgium there are about 58 owners/breeders of the Falabella breed, where about 40 are actively engaged in breeding. The Falabellas are special, honest, sweet and intelligent in character. Every Falabella in this "small" population has an important breeding value for the maintenance of this special breed.

The continuation of 100% purebred Falabellas, as well as the promotion of it breeding the Falabella breed with a healthy constitution, correctly built, functional and harmonious, where health and vitality are also an important aspect. All these parts are a challenge that every breeder will focus on.

Breed carefully

Due to the small stock of pure Falabellas carefulness desirable. The recovery of incorrect parts resulting from mismatches can haunt many generations. So make conscious choices to maintain and improve this unique variety.

Your own foal?  also visit the page PREGNANCY For more information

A Falabella mare is suitable to become pregnant from her third year of life, not every mare is immediately suitable for this, sometimes you have to wait a year. Normally, when the temperature starts to rise in spring, the mare is stallion every 3 weeks.

The stallion shows itself best when a stallion comes close. The mare will raise her tail and urinate. In the first days the urine is light in color, as the heat develops the urine will become more and more orange yellow and get something viscous (stringy). This is usually the period when ovulation takes place.

As soon as the mare shows stallion, the mare is mated, with one day's poses in between. When the mare fends off the stallion with both hind legs, the stallion is over. From the first covering one then counts 21 days and then checks whether the mare shows stallion again. has become pregnant.

Determining pregnancy in a Falabella is not always an easy task. A safe way to find out is to have an ultrasound done halfway (5.5 months) into pregnancy.

Benefits of knowing the breeding date

Sensing a Falabella mare becomes not recommended, because they are often too small for this and damage must be prevented. It knowing the breeding date and with that the foaling date has two major advantages, the mare can be fed a few months before foaling and secondly, someone can be present when the foal is born. Birth alarms are a nice tool for this.

Time of birth

The exact time of birth is difficult to predict, but indications can be obtained by keeping a close eye on the udder. If the udder is full and there are small sticky cones hanging from the teats, things can go quickly. But it doesn't say everything either, with some mares the udder only fills up during or after birth.

Changes in behavior can also herald the birth, the mare often starts to wander around, and scratches the ground with the hoof, as if she is making a nest, often thinner and more frequent fattening. Rest and in a familiar environment will promote the birth process.

Sometimes it is necessary to help the mare with the foal, and if necessary to remove the covering membrane. This occurs regularly in mares that foal for the first time.

There may also be a deviation location of the foal occur in the womb. When in doubt about the normal course of the birth, a call vet. When the membrane is removed, the foal must start breathing, you can promote this by brushing away the mucus and cleaning the nostril.

As long as the foal is attached to the umbilical cord in the mother, it can be left lying quietly until the mother stands up and the umbilical cord spontaneously snaps off. It is important to disinfect the umbilical stump with an iodine dilution, so that no bacteria can penetrate.


The afterbirth should be finished within a few hours, it will look spread out on the ground like a pair of trousers, the afterbirth will then be complete. The foal tries to stand within the hour and looks for the udder for the first indispensable sips of colostrum. The antibodies in colostrum are of vital importance and should really be drunk during the first few hours of new life.

The foal should also lose the first manure quite soon after birth. This is black in color and is also called intestinal pitch. Nine days after birth, the mare enters the so-called foaling phase, whether it is wise or whether it should be covered again, opinions differ. It is better to wait until the next heat, or to skip a year and enjoy yourself to the fullest healthy foal, which in the case of a Falabella will nurse from the mother for at least 5-6 months.

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