History and fables

Our Falabellas originally come only from Señor Falabella ranch in Argentina. The Falabella is a real one miniature horse, and therefore not a small pony like the shetlander. The size is not the most important feature of the Falabella, but it is a harmonious, balanced and perfectly proportioned little horse, with a fine bone structure, slender belly and flanks, tender and with a gentle character.

Falabellas should not be confused with Shetland ponies, which have a normal head, strong body and short legs.

There are many historical facts and fables told about the famous Falabellas

The Falabella in Argentina

The Spaniards brought horses to Argentina in the 15th century. These were descendants of the Andalusian and Spanish Berber horses, which were known for their strength and resistance under harsh conditions, with the aim of conquering Argentina.

The Spaniards were defeated and the horses were left to fend for themselves on the pampas in the wild. Over a number of centuries, the severe weather conditions and austere living environment resulted in a reduced size, resulting in a naturally small horse stock.

There is a story that a herd of horses ended up in a mountain canyon where only cacti were available for food. A similar story is also known of Hereford cows that were locked up in a canyon of the Rocky Mountains, and were found years later and the offspring turned out to be smaller due to a lack of sufficient food with the right nutrients.

The Falabella family

About 1840, these little horses were seen in the neighborhood south of Buenos Aires Patrick Newell, that the smallest horses from the herd and started selective breeding with the aim of developing a really small horse. He passed on the knowledge he acquired over the years to his son-in-law Juan Falabella, who then passed the knowledge on to his son Emily, and that to his son Julio Falabella.

Another story claims that Juan Falabella sent a herd of thoroughbred horses to the harsh and windy part of Pantagonia, and forgot about them. Years later, the grandchildren remembered the story of the horses and went to see them. It is said that they only found the very small horses. Apparently only the smallest survived, as they could shelter and graze among the low undergrowth. "Unlikely".

breeding program

For many years they have used a variety of horse breeds including the native in their breeding program Argentine Criollo horse, and equidae with Pinto and Appaloosa marks. In 1950 Julio Falabella took over his father's farm, by now there was a serious herd of small, medium sized Falabellas of all colors including the Pintos and some very rare and colorful Appaloosas which were their favourites.

In the 1960s, Julio Falabella sent his miniature horses to the US and other countries. Several articles were written in Horse magazines, National Geographic, and the news spread like wildfire. A century of selective breeding over several generations, Julio and his Falabella Miniature Horses became famous and some of the richest and most famous people requested him to export his little horses. Among him were kings, princes, presidents such as the Kennedys and movie stars that it is not uncommon to have astronomical prices to pay for some of the smallest and best Falabellas.

In the 1970's the Falabellas were introduced in small groups, at that time Julio had a large number of the smallest Falabellas on his huge ranch, with perfect conformation in all colors. It was in these years that the imported Falabella Miniature Horse were registered in America by the Falabella Miniature Horse Association. There are less than 1500 Falabellas registered with this association since its foundation in 1973.

When Julio dies in 1980, his life's work in Argentina continued by his wife Maria Luisa Falabella and his son Julio and daughter Maria Angelica Falabella, who later moved to the United States, bringing with them a group of the better small and most colorful Falabellas. Both farms remained primary producers and exporters of Falabella until the retirement of Maria Angelica Falabella in 2006.

Mythical animals

The Falabella has belonged to the mythical animals since ancient times, but unlike the unicorn, for example, a real animal. The animal is already mentioned sporadically in the old Aztec stories. Only one of the horses can a Falabella survive well by eating insects and small reptiles?, and only one of the horses can vomit?, other horses cannot. Falabellas gained worldwide fame through their performance in The Dukes of Hazzard. Before that, they were known only to connoisseurs.

The breed was also in the news because it was suggested that a successful horse Bonfire, with which Anky van Grunsven won several prizes, is a half-blood Falabella? Although Bonfire is officially a brown Oldenburger, it is rumored that his father Welt As is not his real father, but that Bonfire's mother was secretly covered by a Falabella stallion! ………

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