Stal Jaegersrust -Oldeberkoop (fr)

In 1990 we moved into a 200 year old farmhouse in the romantic and authentic village of Oldeberkoop in southeast Friesland. 

This farm owes its name "Jaegersrust" to its location in the beautiful Drents Friese Wold between the rivers Tjonger and Linde. In earlier times this farm was used to change the horses that had to pull cargo boats along the rivers on the so-called "jaegpad".

De stallen en de ruimte eromheen gaven ons de gelegenheid om onze paardenhobby te intensiveren en onze dieren op ons eigen erf te huisvesten. In 2009, na 25 jaar intensief met eigen paarden te hebben gewerkt, brak er een nieuwe fase aan in de liefde voor deze viervoeter.  Veel onderdelen binnen de paardenhouderij/sport waren voorbijgekomen, maar het fokken was nog steeds een nieuw gebied.

In search of a breed that appealed to our imagination, we repeatedly came across the mystique surrounding the one and only miniature horse breed in the world, the “Falabella“.

Yes………it's small, but they fill all the needs that big horses bring, except you can't ride them. After an intensive research phase, we were able to buy a limited number of high-quality mares, with which we started our breeding program, the quality of these mares has already proven itself in health, priming, and their foals. And we also hope to be able to contribute to the protection and preservation of this unique horse breed.

 After living on this fine farm for 25 years, this changed in April 2016, and we moved 100 meters away to a yard with a historic coach house that has been completely renovated and adapted to our falabella horses.

Onze kudde Falabella is in de loop der jaren gegroeid, en aan de hoeveelheid stallen, en aan beschikbare vierkante meters komt een keer een einde. Dit heeft ons doen besluiten om in 2021  een samenwerking aan te gaan met een enthousiaste Falabella familie:  

Stal Resto Cazador

Shane and Marieke and their daughters in Opende (25 minutes from Oldeberkoop), who have taken over an important part of the herd and housed it in a new place with lots of space in the land and stables

I wish you a lot of viewing and reading pleasure

Stal Jaegersrust -Yvonne van Werkhoven – Oldeberkoop

Stal Resto Cazador - Shane Alders & Marieke van Schepen – Opende

© Stal Jaegersrust | Realization